Annual Mix
For planting in New Jersey until July 15th
You can plant Cosmos and expect to see flower in about 7 weeks.We believe that mid-July is the last planting time. After then, it would be better to keep the seed in a cool dry place and start indoors about 4 weeks before the last frost date (Usually May 15)They’ll be ready to plant
A mix of short and tall species that do well in heavy/sandy soils and bloom in late spring/summer through the first frost.
• Mixed Cosmos (Cosmos Bipinnatus) • Yellow Cosmos (Cosmos Sulphureus)• Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis Tinctoria)
Perennial Mix:
For Planting until September 15
Is it too late to plant?
Most people say that ’Nature plants seed in the fall, however you can plant the perennial mix as late as Labor Day.
You have to prepare the bed just as you would in a spring planting and keep it moist.You will have a head start on next spring.
A meadow mixture that does well in heavy/sandy soils and blooms in late spring/late summer through the first frost.
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckkia Hirta) • Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Pupurea)
Lanced Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis Lanceolata) • Blanketflower (Gaillardia Aristata)